Does one ever have enough tomatoes? I think not and this is only a VERY small sampling of what is still left in the garden. I do have to admit that Dad has grown some pretty big and beautiful tomatoes this year. They are the best that we have ever had. Our Stake President challenged us all to grow a garden this year and we have been very blessed. Wish you were all here to help get them all canned.
Cameron and Kelly at Mystic Falls in Yellowstone Park. I really liked the owl hat and thought about buying one but it didn't look as good on me as it did on Kelly.
Cameron and Nick after swimming in the Firehole River. It was a nice, hot, sunny day and a lot of fun. The last couple of years when we have gone in August the weather has been too cool to swim.
Elder Becera mowing the lawn. He is one of the Elders living with us now and is the 4th one we have had since we started housing the Elders in January. He is a very humble hard working Elder and comes from Sandy, Utah.
Making Chili Sauce
I was trying to iron (I know--a strange and unusual sight) and Baxter wanted to help. He jumped into my lap and tried to get up on top of the ironing board.
I have decided to try and be a little more active with this blogging thing and use it to keep everyone updated on what is going on around here. I used to try and send a family e-mail around every week but kind of got out of the habit so I want to use the family blog to try and keep in touch with everyone. I may even try to figure out how to post some pictures. I would rather do it on the blog rather than facebook because facebook is so "out there" for everyone to see and the blog is a little more personal. Anyway--here we go. This past week has been a week of making chili sauce, rain, bottling green beans from the garden, more chili sauce, monthly book club luncheon, sun, walks with Baxter, Enrichment night, service in the temple, making salsa, Mutual, more sun, more tomatoes made into Salsa, MRI on Dad's knee, Institute class, skinning more tomatoes for bottled tomatoes, Dad drinking yucky stuff the day before his colonoscopy, the colonscopy, stopping at Joe's Farm for onions, peppers, and garlic to make more Salsa, a long nap after being under anesthesia for a colonoscopy and for being the wife of the one who had the colonoscopy, a campout at Camp Currie with Young Women, more walks with Baxter, rain that shortens the campout, more Salsa, a disappointing BYU game, cleaning the church, and preparing a lesson on overcoming temptation for Young Women. Whew!! Tomorrow we are going to start all over--except that this week I get to fly to Chicago to see Jonny, Ashley and Cubby and then to Nauvoo--one of my favorite places in the whole world, and then to Omaha to see Kris, Cami, Jordan, and Joseph, and then to Salt Lake to listen to the prophet speak. Woo! Hoo! (and see Nick and Cam)
This is is my thought for the week: It is part of the dedicatory prayer given by President Monson for the Oquirrh Mountain Temple: "In a time of departure from safe moorings, may youth of the noble birthright carry on in the traditions of their Parents and grandparents. They are subjected to the sophistries of Satan. Help them stand firm for truth. Open wide to their view the gates of learning or understanding, of service in Thy kingdom. Bless them with a lengthened view of their eternal possibilities." To my children, who are all youth of the noble birthright, let us never forget the sacrifices of those who pulled their handcarts through the snow and left their homes and sacrificed many physical possessions to make a better life for us all because of their testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May we all have a lengthened view of our eternal possibilities and look for the personal revelation that is promised us. You all have a patriarchal blessing with blessings and promises. Claim the blessings that have been promised you through your worthiness. I love you all. Mom
Ok--I tried my best. I couldn't get the pictures to go where I wanted them so I obviously need some more help. I will keep trying. Shalom
PS--the lesson was for the Mia Maids on 'overcoming temptation'--not overcoming temptation for young women.