Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Boyle Baby, Take 2

We had another doctor's visit this week in order to check up on Baby Boyle's kidneys. Apparently, one of them was dialated when we had the initial ultrasound was taken. The doctor assured us that this was fairly common in boys and often worked itself out before birth. Still, she wanted to have an additional ultrasound taken to check up on it, which is what led to this appointment. The bad news is there was no change, but the good news is that it isn't any worse. As long as it stays that way, the doctors still feel this will work itself out. We do have another ultrasound scheduled for a month from now so they can check up on it. The bonus was we got some new pictures, this time with some profile shots. Last time we were lucky to come away with some pics of his feet, but he couldn't hide from us this time (though he tried).

The ever-popular profile

He was a little smashed up against the wall in this one.

Playing a game of peek-a-boo

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